Sunday, June 27, 2010
6 year-old on no fly list
The only time a 6-year old should not fly is when they're throwing a temper tantrum. Unfortunately, 6-year old Alyssa Thomas has found herself on the real no-fly list. Her parents think that it's ridiculous and say that she's threatened her sister but don't think that's a reason for her not to fly. Her parents tried to have her name removed from the list but to no avail. They plan to try again. Alyssa
Saturday, June 26, 2010
BP to try something new.

Kevin Costner may have the answer for the gulf oil spill. He has invested millions of his ow money to develop a machine that will separate the oil from the contaminated water. He's had a difficult time getting approval for the machine because it does leave some oil behind which was more than was approved by the Federal Government. He appeared before Congress to testify and his machine has been approved for use in the gulf. This may be the relief we've been waiting for. Kevin's Machine
Forbidden Journey really is forbidden for some people.

The Harry Potter ride (Forbidden Journey) at Universal Studios turns away riders because of size and this time it's not a height requirement. If you're thinking about going to Universal Studios and you're a bigger than average person, you might want to think again. People of size are being turned away because Universal made a certain size seat with no room for adjustment. story
Friday, June 25, 2010
Turtle stops plane from taking off.
A small turtle in a cage was the cause of tears and commotion on an AirTran flight from Atlanta to Milwaukee. Employees first let three girls on the plane with their caged turtle but then demanded they get rid of it after bringing the plane back to the terminal. The girls threw it in the trash in the hopes that their father could retrieve it when he returned to the airport. Another employee rescued the turtle from the trash and took it home. AirTran finally decided to get the turtle and fly it to Milwaukee free of charge. The girls' mother contacted PETA who is demanding this be investigated. turtle flies home
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Glee star has more than just singing talent.

Chris Colfer who plays Kurt demonstrated his hidden talent on a British talk show. He showed off his martial arts skills while a couple of cast members hid safely behind a couch.
First Carrie Underwood, then Miranda Lambert, and now Kellie Pickler

The three country stars all got engaged recently. Kellie was not ready to get married saying that she was only 22 and not ready to put a husband first but things have changed and she said, "yes" on June 15.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Marcos Ambrose hands win to Jimmie Johnson

This race belonged to Marcos Ambrose until he decided to do something that wasn't quite so smart. During a caution he turned off his car to save fuel and then couldn't get it started again right away. He was in the lead but because he did it while on an incline, his car came to a stop and he was passed by 7 cars. This gave the win to Johnson. He fought his way back to 6th place for a disappointing finish.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Lindsey vindicated but not her mother

After Linsey Lohan's ankle bracelet indicated that there was alcohol in her system, she denied partaking of any. Her alcohol test has come back negative proving her right.
Her mother, however, was hoping to get ice cream in her system but was denied. Dina Lohan tried to get a free ice cream cake using a card intended for Lindsey. The store manager wouldn't let her have the cake and told her she was never allowed to use the card again. no ice cream
government to stop paying ineligible people
The federal government estimates that it paid out $110 billion in erroneous payments in 2009. Now there is a database that can be accessed to determine a person's ineligibility. story
Every dog has it's day

Pampered pooches receive millions when owner passed away. Conchita the chihuahua along with two other dogs "inherited the right to live in her seven-bedroom, $8.3 million Miami Beach mansion, their comfort ensured by a $3 million trust fund." Some of the staff has been retained to look after them and live rent free in the mansion until the dogs pass away at which point, the rest of the money goes to charity.
The heiress, Ms. Posner, left only $1 million to her son who is contesting the will. he claims that the body guards and house staff brainwashed his mother into making the new will. He's also naming the attorney as a party to the lawsuit. rich dogs
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
funny cat pictures make millions

With a $10,000 investment, Ben Huh bought the 'I Can Has Cheezburger' website. It has grown into a web phenomenon making him millions. Who knew that funny cat pictures would be that popular? Even I was surprised to see one of my cats on the site. The college kids down the street posted a picture of my "Taz" inside an empty beer box. He is now know for being in the "redneck cat carrier" on the site. cats
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Jennifer Lopez credits the Boys and Girls Club for nurturing her talent and has allowed them to use a picture of her as a little girl on one of their billboards in NYC. billboard picture
Friday, June 11, 2010
16 year old sailor should be rescued tonight
Abby Sunderland activated two emergency beacons after losing her mast. This triggered an international rescue effort. She was found by an Australian spotter plane. They had to turn back because of fuel issues but a fishing boat should reach her location about midnight tonight. story
Darth Vader and his personality disorder
French researchers have concluded that Darth Vader has a personality disorder. He exhibits 6 of the 9 criteria required to be able to be diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. Well let's see...he killed people on a whim, blew up plantets, tried to kill his own son, had mood swings...even I can see that he had problems. story
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
John Stamos joins 'Glee'

John Stamos is a very talented musician and will fit in nicely with the cast of 'Glee.' He's recorded with the Beach Boys, played a musician on 'Full House,' and is knocking them dead on the Broadway stage. He'll play a dentist and the love interest of Emma. story
The rotating house is for sale.
A home in Wilton, Connecticut rotates with just the push of a button. Built for Richard T. Foster in 1968, it has a round theme throughout the house. It can be had for only $1,750,000.00. video
Lindsey Lohan drinking? Say it isn't so!

Lindsey's ankle bracelet detected a small amount of alcohol. She, however, denies that she had been drinking and says that it's the media that is making things up. It was reported that she had been drinking after Sunday's MTV Movie Awards. lindsey
Monday, June 7, 2010
'Goonies' reunion

It's been 25 years since the cult classic 'Goonies' came out. It seems to have lasting power and the original cast, minus Corey Haim who passed away in March, met in Astoria, Oregon where most of the movie was filmed. They talked about many things including a couple deleted scenes, a sequel, and their friendships. see a deleted scene
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Miley Cyrus reveals meaning behind song

In Portugal at a concert, Miley revealed that two of her songs were about her and Nick Jonas. She announced that 'Full Circle' and '7 Things' are the songs. Even though she's now dating Liam Hemsworth, she still feels that "they're always gonna come back together no matter what anyone says." story
Saturday, June 5, 2010
"Jaws" shark found after 35 years.

A reporter tracked the 4th "Jaws" shark after hearing that it still existed after all these years. The first 3 were destroyed after making the film. Unfortunately, it was found in a junkyard. But perhaps this is a new beginning for "Bruce" as he was named. Universal may be considering a 3-D remake of the original "Jaws" movie. Bruce's story
Friday, June 4, 2010
4-day school week
Many districts are going to a 4-day week to save money. It seems that there are other benefits as well. Better attendance by students and teachers and better academic grades from the students. No long term research has been done so it's difficult to say if the findings of these districts are conclusive. story
McDonald's recalls glasses

The Shrek glasses available at McDonald's have been recalled because cadmium was found in some of the paint. The cadmium can come to the surface where it can get on your hands. This is especially dangerous for children because they tend to put their hands in their mouths. McDonald's is posting on their website about refunds. recall
Thursday, June 3, 2010
It comes in threes.

Rue McClanahan is the third Golden Girl to pass away and the third celebrity that we've lost this week. It's always a sad day when we lose someone so great. abc news
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Glee star weds

Jane Lynch who plays Sue Sylvester on Glee has wed her girlfriend. It was a short ceremony at the Blue Heron Restaurant in Sunderland, Massachusetts. The couple seemed very happy and partied until about 10pm. story
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